This is Espirational

  • A Kind of Magic
    “Poetry is a kind of magic that very few can create and even fewer can truly understand and appreciate in all its glory.” ~ Dennis Gabor
  • The Friday Affirmation
    “Everything is working together for my good.”
  • Magical Ways
    “When you have the constant focus of going within and then acting, your life will unfold in magical ways.” ~ Elizabeth Joy

Espirational Art Gallery

Come in and see what Genie can do with a needle and thread. Nothing sold here. This is our “private” record for our memories and many of them (like this one) are hanging on our own walls. Also in this gallery are some other samples of Genie’s creative activities such as her cooking skills with sample recipes from her cookbooks and other samples of creative work.

Soul’s Vacation Blog

We don’t know who first said this, but it is a very true statement. The blog on this linked page holds over 5 years of daily positive quotes. Just put your subject in the search block and we’ll surely be able to find something for you. Um, 5 times 365 = 1825 x 1000pics x 1000words = OVER 1.5 BILLION Positive Words.

Espirational Library

Photo by Ekrulila on

This linked page is for our Library and Lesson Essays to help you understand some of the “deeper” things in the spiritual world and world religions’ literature and spiritual teachings. Browse through some of our literature and lessons and discover a well researched and written over the past 60+ years and made available to our friends (you) here free.

Find a quiet place, use a humble pen.

Paul Simon

We were raised in the Christian faith and honor our faith’s roots.

Yet we believe that situationally the world’s faith heritage varies in background while similar in purpose. Therefore we support unity of all faiths which honor peace, hope, truth, and love.

About Us

This cite is It is owned and operated by Rogene & Robert Robbins as a not-for-profit effort specifically to help people find peace and meaning-fullness in their lives as they live them.

More About Us

Get In Touch

  • Contact Us
  • We love comments, please leave one on the site.

Do you see a quote that perks your interest? Having a problem applying it to your life? Make a comment on that post page and let’s talk about it.

We love comments.

We live in
Grove, Oklahoma,

But we want to be of service to everyone in the world.

Lofty goal?

We agree. If you want to help, or have ideas, contact us.

NOTICE: All materials on this Website/Blog are copyrighted under U.S. and International copyright agreements and may not be reproduced for profit or otherwise except as specifically stated in this site or as agreed to in writing electronically, in hard-copy, or otherwise.